Friday, June 3, 2016

Swimming With The Turtles! Paradise Cove, KoOlina, Oahu

It's hard to pick a favorite thing, of all the amazing experiences I've had here in Hawaii. 
I think snorkeling at Paradise Cove has to be at the top of the list!

Sea Turtles!!!

Actually it was my first time snorkeling, I went with Gabby and Brian.

We arrived early and there were just a few people on the beach. When you stood hip deep in the water the sea turtles would just come and check you out!

These guys were so friendly they would swim right between you.
I had to step out of the way as not to get ran into!

The beach was beautiful and the snorkeling lots of fun, I stalked the turtles at a respectful distance.

Gabby's picture

Gabby and I went back on another day but the water was too rough to snorkel.

Can't wait for my next snorkeling adventure!

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